Jamie Argento Rodriguez
Jamie Argento Rodriguez, Chief of the Community Defender Division, has committed her career to representing persons in the District of Columbia whose lives have been derailed by the criminal and juvenile justice systems. Jamie began her career at PDS representing juvenile and adult clients in special education cases to ensure that these vulnerable students are afforded an opportunity to benefit from appropriate schools and services. In addition, Jamie spent more than six years as the Coordinator of PDS’s Juvenile Services Program, advocating for the unique needs of children who are incarcerated and committed.
Having recently been appointed as Chief of CDD, Jamie is determined to build her team of dedicated community defenders so CDD can provide comprehensive representation for clients regarding the myriad needs they face at the deepest end of the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
Jamie graduated from George Mason University in 1996 and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law in 1999.